A Messenger of Peace​


  1. J. Charles Davis, Human Dignity in World Religions: Toward a Global Bioethics and Biolaw, New Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2020. 
  2. J. Charles Davis, The Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Proposals for a Legal Framework for India, New Delhi/India: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors Ltd., 2014.
  3. J. Charles Davis and L. Jeevaraj (eds.), Christian Commitment to Service: Faith in Practice, Delhi: Christian Imprints, 2020. 
  4. J. Charles Davis, Neues genetisches Design: Therapie oder Enhancement? Norderstedt/Germany: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2008. (e-booklet) 
  5. J. Charles Davis, An Ethical Debate on Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Human Dignity or Research Freedom? Norderstedt/Germany: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2008. (e-booklet) 
  6. J. Charles Davis, Indian Liberation Theology: A Critique, Norderstedt/Germany: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2009. (e-booklet) 



  1. J. Charles Davis, “Scientific Progression and Spiritual Values for a Better Society,” Vidyankur (Pune: January 2001): 1-10. 
  2. J. Charles Davis, “An Ethical Debate on the Experiment on the Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Human Dignity or Research Freedom?” Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies 11, 2 (2008) 114-136. 
  3. J. Charles Davis, “Exploring the Boundaries of Bodiliness: A Theological Challenge to Transhuman Advances,” Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies (July 2011) 131-148. 
  4. J. Charles Davis, “New Genes, New Humans: Making people better or Making better people,” Omega: Indian Journal of Science and Religion 11, 1 (2012): 73-96. 
  5. J. Charles Davis, “Exploring the Boundaries of Bodiliness: A Theological Challenge to Transhuman Advances,” in eds. Kuruvilla Pandikattu, James Ponniah and Thomas Kuriacose, Committed to the Church and the Country: Reflections on Christian Living in India in Honour of Professor Kurien Kunnumpuram SJ, Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, 2013, 104-117. 
  6. J. Charles Davis, “The Openness of Married Couple to Life: Modern Medical and Technological Possibilities and Challenges – Theological Response,” Asian Horizons 8, 2 (June 2014) 272-286. 
  7. J. Charles Davis, “Embryos: Humans or Biomaterials?” in ed. Scaria Kanniyakonil, New Horizons in Christian Ethics: Reflections from India, Bangalore: ATC, 2014, 411-430. 
  8. J. Charles Davis, “The Moral Status of the Unborn,” Journal of Indian Theology 7, 3 (September- December 2014) 30-45. 
  9. J. Charles Davis, “The Moral Value of the Preborn in Classical Hinduism,” Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies 18, 1 (January 2015) 64-84. 
  10. J. Charles Davis, “Rayan´s Vision of a New Society,” in ed. Kurian Kunnumpuram SJ (ed.), The Vision of a New Church and a New Society: A Scholarly Assessment of Dr. Samuel Rayan´s Contribution to Indian Christian Theology, New Delhi: Christian Imprints, 2016, 172-181. 
  11. J. Charles Davis, “Civilization under Fire: Burning Issues of Kashmir” in eds. Gautam Kumar Bera and Lazar Gnanapragasam, Dimensions of Indian Civilization, New Delhi: B.R. Publications, 2016, 121-144. 
  12. J. Charles Davis, “Responsible Care of the Terminally Sick and the Dying: From Partial Curative Care to Holistic Palliative Care,” in ed. Paul Chummar, Horizonte gegenwäritger Ethik: Festschrift für Professor Dr. Josef Schuster SJ, Freiburg: Herder, 2016, 605-615. 
  13. J. Charles Davis, “Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research,” in ed. Shaji George Kochuthara, Gender Justice in the Church and Society, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2016, 240-250. 
  14. Stephen SS, Irudayadason NA, JC Davis, “Healing Ministry and Palliative Care in Christianity,” Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2, 4 (Oct-Dec 2017) 238-43. 
  15. J. Charles Davis, “Moral Theology for Pastors Today,” in eds. Isaac Padinjarekuttu and R. R. Graviour Augustine, Revisioning Pastoral Care: A Memorial Volume for Thomas Macheril and Christudhas Madhavian, Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2017, 365-376. 
  16. J. Charles Davis, “Medical Ethics in India,” in ed. Mathew Illathuparampil, Indian Moral Theology: Historical Studies and Future Prospects, Bengaluru: Dharmaram, 2017, 141-159. 
  17. J. Charles Davis, “Human Dignity and Mutual Recognition: A Norm and A Plea for Protection of Human Life,” in ed. K. Henry Jose MSFS, Becoming Human – Becoming Christ: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr Jacob Parappally MSFS, Bengaluru: ATC Publishers, 2018, 315-330. 
  18. J. Charles Davis, “The Era of Pope Francis: Break or Beginning?” in Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (ed.), Pope Francis: His Impact on and Relevance for the Church and Society, Pune: Jnanadeepa Vidyapeeth and New Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2018, 57-68. 
  19. J. Charles Davis, “Returning to the Human Nature and Rediscovering the Human Dignity,” in ed. Binoy Jacob SJ, Science-Religion Dialogue and its Contemporary Significance, Bangalore: ATC Publications, 2018, 129-146. 
  20. J. Charles Davis, “Human Dignity in Islam: A Bridging Space for Dialogue,” in: Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ and Thomas Karimundackal SJ (eds.), Melodies from the Flute: Dialogue Between Religions and Cultures, Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2018, 168-186. 
  21. J. Charles Davis, “Dual Faces of Human Dignity: Secured Worth and Required Recognition.” In: Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ and PT Mathew SJ (eds.), Committed to the Church and the Country, Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, 2019, 323-348. 
  22. J. Charles Davis, “Recognition of the Inherent Human Dignity in Pastoral Ministry,” in: Stanislaus Chinliankhup and Samuel Kapani (eds.), The Spiritual Dimension of Pastoral Ministry, Guwahati: Oriens Publications, 2019, 253-280. 
  23. J. Charles Davis, “Hinduism, Human Dignity and Bioethics,” in: Thomas Karimundackal SJ and Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (eds.), Logic and Love: Reflecting on Prof. John Vattanky’s Contribution to Indian Philosophy and Spirituality (Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, 2019) 207-232. 
  24. J. Charles Davis, “Wherein Lies Human Dignity? Inadequacies of Rational Capacities and Requirements of Bodily Criteria in Sciences and Humanities,” in: Kuruvilla Pandikattu (ed.), Fully Human and Fully Alive (Delhi: Christian Imprints, 2020) 363-386. 
  25. J. Charles Davis, “Human Dignity in the Catholic History: Foundation and Motivation for Universal Service,” in: J. Charles Davis and L. Jeevaraj (eds.), Christian Commitment to Service: Faith in Practice (Delhi: Christian Imprints, 2020) 63-84. 
  26. J. Charles Davis, “Christian Commitment to Social Equality and Social Solidarity in the Time of Global Pandemic,” Jacob Parappally MSFS, ed. Jeevadhara, Vol. L, No.297 (May 2020) 67-84. 
  27. J. Charles Davis, “A Critique on Writing of Yuval Noah Harari on Justice: Our Sense of Justice Might Be Out of Date,” AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies 66:4 (July-August 2021) 6-14. 



  1. J. Charles Davis, “What does mean to be a priest today?” Church Echoes (2005). Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar. 
  2. J. Charles Davis, “Das eigentliche Übel ist der Fundamentalismus: Zur Situation der Christen in Indien.” Georg Magazin 1 (2012) 24-26. 
  3. J. Charles Davis, “The Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Proposals for a Legal Framework for India,” Asian Horizons 6:4 (December 2012) 378-384. 
  4. J. Charles Davis, “Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research,” in: Gender Justice in the Church and Society: Second National Seminar on Moral Theology in India Today, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, 17-20 July 2014, 141-144. 
  5. J. Charles Davis, “Physiological and other Issues for Women´s and Child´s Health,” in eds. Bishop Agnelo Gracias and Stephen Fernandes, National Symposium on Protecting, Preserving and Promoting the Gift of Humans Life: Emerging Challenges, Mumbai: St Pius X College, 17- 19 October 2014, 116-125. 
  6. J. Charles Davis, “Editorial,” Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies 18:1 (January 2015) 4-9. 
  7. J. Charles Davis, “The Power and Problem of Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine,” Asian Journal of Religious Studies 60:2 (March 2015) 29-35. 
  8. J. Charles Davis, “Humans have precedence over Sabbath,” Light of Truth 6:20 (October 16-31, 2015) 1,10. 
  9. J. Charles Davis, “Misericordiae vultus: The Face of Mercy,” Asian Journal of Religious Studies 61:1 (January 2016) 10-13. 
  10. J. Charles Davis, “A Short History of Catholic Church´s Position on Abortion,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 8:1 (January 2017) 12-15. 
  11. J. Charles Davis, “The Sickening Pedophilia and the Catholic Teaching on Child Protection,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 8:4 (April 2017) 4, 8-11. 
  12. J. Charles Davis, “Migrants and Refugees from a Biblical and Ecclesial Point of View,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 8:6 (June 2017) 26-27. 
  13. J. Charles Davis, “Media Through a Catholic and Moral Lens,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 8:11 (November 2017) 8-10. 
  14. J. Charles Davis, “The Impending Problems of the Sex-Ratio Imbalance,” Light of Truth 9:11 (June 1-15, 2018) 1, 13. 
  15. J. Charles Davis, “Teachers: A Call to be Witnesses,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 9:9 (September 2018), 18-19. 
  16. J. Charles Davis and A. Soosai Nathan, “The Miniscule Presence of Catholics in Jammu- Kashmir: A Small Signpost of Love and Compassion,” in: Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ, Sebastian Vazhapilly SJ, Prasad Lankapally SJ (eds.), With Gratitude and Trust: Serving the Church and Nation, Pune: Papal Seminary, 2019, 223-229. 
  17. J. Charles Davis, “Humanity is Inseparable from Ecology,” Light of Truth 10: 16 (August 16-31, 2019) 1, 15. 
  18. J. Charles Davis, “Pastoral Care of the Families in Amoris Laetitia,” Goethals News 23: 1 (Jan- Mar 2020) 91-11. 
  19. J. Charles Davis, “Moral Lessons from the Corona Pandemic,” Smart Companion India: National Monthly for Christian Leadership 11:5 (MAY 2020) 8-11. 
  20. J. Charles Davis, “Aayarum Naanum: My Experience of Bishop Gabriel,” an Article on Qualities of Bishop Sengol Lawrence Gabriel, Arappor Veerar: Bishop Gabriel. edited by Dr. Sahayaraj Lourdusamy, Chennai: 2021. 



Conference / Seminar Presentations 

  1. J. Charles Davis, “Mysteries and Meanings: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Reality.” A Paper Defended for the Bachelor´s Degree of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India in 1999. 
  2. J. Charles Davis, “On the Way of the Way for the Way: A Reflection on Mark Chapters 14-16.” A Meditation for the Way of the Cross. Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India, 2001. 
  3. J. Charles Davis, “Mission in the State of Jammu and Kashmir: Past, Present and Future.” Written for the Course on Church History, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, 2001. 
  4. J. Charles Davis, “Mission as Liberation: A Cry of Dalits for Freedom.” Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India, 2002. 
  5. J. Charles Davis, “Mission in the Context of Violence Today: From a Cultural of Violence to a Culture of Peace.” This paper received the 3rd Prize for the Indian National Essay Competition 2002 conducted by the Institute of Missiology, Ishwani Kendra, Pune, India. 
  6. J. Charles Davis, “An Encounter with the Self-Emptying High Priest Jesus Christ: A Hermeneutical Study on Hebrews 5:1-10 in the Phenomenological Context of Jammu and Kashmir.” A Seminar Paper for the Bachelor of Theology. Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India, 2003. 
  7. J. Charles Davis, “The Challenges to Living a Christian Life in India: A Contextual Study on Christian Life and Praxis in Challenging Situation of India.” A field study done in the city of Pune and Paper presented. Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India, 2003. 
  8. J. Charles Davis, “Theology of Peace in the Context of Violence in Kashmir: An Interreligious Perspective.” Defense Paper for the Bachelor´s Degree in Theology. Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune, India, October 2004. Dynamics for a Dialogue between Christianity and Islam are outlined in this paper. 
  9. J. Charles Davis, “Experiment on Human Embryonic Stem Cells Disfigures Human Dignity.” Paper presented for the written fulfilment of Ergänzungsstudium PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany, January 2008. 
  10. J. Charles Davis, “Neues genetisches Design: Therapie oder Enhancement?” Paper Presented for the Seminar on “Ethisch und politisch strittige Fragen der Bioethik” conducted by Prof. Dr. Josef Schuster. PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany, August 2008. 
  11. J. Charles Davis, “Indian Liberation Theology – A Critique.” Paper Presented for the Seminar on “Theologische Gesellschaftskritik –heute (noch) möglich?” by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Emunds and Dr. Thomas Wagner, PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, September 2008. 
  12. J. Charles Davis, “Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World.” Paper Presented during “Kolloquium zu aktuellen Problemen der Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsethik,” by Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hengsbach, SJ and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Emunds. PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany, October 2008. 
  13. J. Charles Davis, “Eine kritische Darstellung des Buches von David Bosch: Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission.” A Paper Presented for the course on Weltkirche-Weltmission. PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany. 
  14. J. Charles Davis, “Werte und Würde.” A Paper Presented for the seminar on “Neues Nachdenken über Werte” conducted by Prof. Dr. Hans-Ludwig Ollig SJ and Thomas Hanke. PTH Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany. 
  15. J. Charles Davis, “Die Organspende des Lebenden als supererogatorische Handlung.” A Public Lecture presented on 07.11.2012 at Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany; and at Frankfurt University Hospital for the Hospital Chaplains on 09.10.2013, Frankfurt, Germany. 
  16. J. Charles Davis, “Die Ethik der menschlichen embryonalen Stammzellforschung: Grundsätze für eine indische Gesetzgebung.” Defended on 09.11.2012, Sankt Georgen Frankfurt, Germany. 
  17. J. Charles Davis, “Indien: Gesellschaft – Religionen – Christentum?” A Paper presented on 11.04.2013 for the Parish Community of Villmar, Germany. 
  18. J. Charles Davis, “Moral Status of Human Embryos.” Conducted a Seminar for Teachers on 23.07.2013 at St. Francis Higher Secondary School, Akhnoor, Jammu. 
  19. J. Charles Davis, “The Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Paper Presented on February 03, 2014 at the International Conference on Science, Society and Religion organized by Association of Science, Society and Religion and JDV Centre for Science and Religion, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, India. 
  20. J. Charles Davis, “Religious Response to the Stem Cell Debate.” Paper Presented on 30. March 2014 at the One Day Seminar on “Science, Spirituality and Society,” organized by the Pune Wing of the Catholic Religious of India, Pune: Ishwani Kendra, 2014. 
  21. J. Charles Davis, “The Openness of Married Couple to Life: Modern Medical and Technological Possibilities and Challenges – Theological Response.” Paper Presented at the Colloquium of Bishops and Theologians organized by the Commission for Doctrine of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India in the light of the Extraordinary Synod on Family, at NBCLC Bangalore, India, July 7-10, 2014. 
  22. J. Charles Davis, “The Ethics of Stem Cell Research.” Paper Presented and Interacted with the students of Theology at Catholic Religious of India Brothers Institute, Bangalore, July 12, 2014. 
  23. J. Charles Davis, “The Ethics of Using Embryos in Research.” A Class conducted for the students of Theology at St. Peter´s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, July 16, 2014. 
  24. J. Charles Davis, “Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research.” Paper Presented at the Second National Seminar on Moral Theology in India on Gender Justice in the Church and Society organized by Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore, July 17-20, 2014. 
  25. J. Charles Davis, “Embryos and Ethics,” “When does human life begin?” “Stem Cells: Promises and Problems.” A Series of Lectures presented at the One Day Seminar conduced for the Professionals/Laity organized by Pedro Arrupe Institute, Goa, August 24, 2014. 
  26. J. Charles Davis, “Ethics in Stem Cell Research,” “Openness of Married Couple to Life: The Inseparability of Unitive and Procreative Act in Marriage.” Seminar on Moral and Ethics Issues of Family for the Professionals, Laity, Youth and Married Couples of St. Patrick´s Cathedral, Pune, September 12 and November 16, 2014. 
  27. J. Charles Davis, “Physiological and Other Issues for Women´s and Child´s Health.” Chairperson/Moderator of the Session and Presented the Paper at the National Symposium on Protecting, Preserving and Promoting the Gift of Human Life: Emerging Challenges organized by the Commission for Doctrine and Theology of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and FIAMC Bio-Medical Ethics Centre Bombay, at St Pius College, Goregaon East, Mumbai, October 17-19, 2014. Along with Bishop Agnelo Gracias, was a Member of the Drafting Committee to prepare Statements on Abortion and Surrogacy to be sent to the Parliamentarians and Legislative bodies. 
  28. J. Charles Davis, “Openness of Married Couple to Life: Possibilities, Challenges and Responses.” Presented a Paper at the Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Theologians of India at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore, Oct 24-26, 2014 and at the JDV Theology Staff-Students Seminar on 14.11.2014. 
  29. J. Charles Davis, “Embryos: Humans or Biomaterials? Ethics in Stem Cell Research.” Presented a Paper at the Fifth National Bioethics Conference with the theme “Integrity in Health Care Practices and Research,” organized by Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, St. John´s Medical College and Others at St John´s Medical College Campus, Bangalore, Dec 11-13, 2014. 
  30. J. Charles Davis, “The Indian Theologian Samuel Rayan´s Vision of a New Society.” Presented a Paper at the National Seminar on Samuel Rayan to be held at Christ Hall, Kozhikode (Calicut), December 28-31, 2014. 
  31. J. Charles Davis, “The Value of the Unborn versus the Evil of Abortion in Classical Hindu Ethics,” Presented a Paper and Chaired a session at the International Conference on Science, Technology and Values organized by JDV Centre for Science-Religion (JCSR) and Indian Institute of Science and Religion (IISR), Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, January 9-12, 2015. 
  32. J. Charles Davis, “Civilization under Fire: Burning Issues of Kashmir” Presented Paper at the Conference on “Dimensions of Indian Civilization,” organized by Dr. Lazar SVD at Hyderabad, 24-25 January 2015. 
  33. J. Charles Davis, “Secularism, Civil Law and Morality: Doing Bioethics in a Multi-religious India,” Presented Paper at the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Asian Regional Conference on “Doing Catholic Theological Ethics in a Cross-Cultural and Interfaith Asian Context at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore, 17-20 July 2015. 
  34. J. Charles Davis, “Befriending the Preborn,” Presented Paper at the International Conference on Befriending the Other on the occasion of Diamond Jubilee of Pontifical Athenaeum/Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth in Pune, 24-28 November 2015. 
  35. J. Charles Davis, “Human Dignity in World Religions: A Quest for a Common Minimum Principle for Bioethics, Biolaw and Biopolitics,” A Research Proposal to the Alexander von Humboldt Research Foundation for Postdoc Research at the University of Freiburg, March 2016. 
  36. J. Charles Davis, “Menschenwürde in den Weltreligionen: Auf der Suche nach einem allgemeinen Minimalprinzip für Bioethik, Biorecht und Biopolitik,“ A research project submitted to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, March 2016. 
  37. J. Charles Davis, “Indien – Das Land der Gegensätze: Gesellschaft und Religionen.” A Paper presented on 22.10.2016 on Studientag of the Collegium Borromaeum, Freiburg and on 09.12.2016 for the Parish Community of Tengen, Germany. 
  38. J. Charles Davis, “Commitment to Celibacy,” A talk given to the Papal Seminarians, Papal Seminary, Pune on 10.01.2017. 
  39. J. Charles Davis, “End of Life and Palliative Care: Christian and Bioethics Perspectives,” Paper Presented at the 6th National Bioethics Conference 2017 on the theme Healing and dying with dignity: Ethical issues in palliative care, end-of-life care and euthanasia” co-organized by the Forum for Medical Ethics Society (FMES/IJME) Mumbai and MASUM Pune at YASHADA in Pune from 13-15 January 2017. 
  40. J. Charles Davis, “Human Dignity in World Religions,” A Paper Presented on 06.04.2017 at the Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Dresden from 5-7 April 2017. 
  41. J. Charles Davis, “The Image of the Human in the World Religions,” A Poster Presented on 06.04.2017 at the Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Dresden from 5-7 April 2017. 
  42. J. Charles Davis, “Menschenwürde in den Weltreligionen: Ein komplementärer Minimalkonsens für Bioethik, Biorecht und Biopolitik,” Kolloquium der Doktoranten und Habilitanden, Freiburg im Breisgau: Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, 23 June 2018. 
  43. J. Charles Davis, “Leihmutterschaft in Indien,” Habilitationsvortrag and Kolloquium at the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, 14 January 2020. 
  44. J. Charles Davis, closing address “Post-Graduation Ethics Sensitization workshop for 2018 Batch” St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 18 June 2021. 
  45. J. Charles Davis, “Doctors Day” Doctors are heroes who save the lives of others, Carmel International School, Hosur, Tamil Nadu. 1 July 2021. 
  46. J. Charles Davis, “Social Responsibility and Health,” Health in an unequal world, St. John’s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, 29 October 2021. 
  47. J. Charles Davis, “Inaugural talk for Allied Health Sciences 2021 Batch” St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 16 November 2021. 
  48. J. Charles Davis, online course in “Health Research Methodology and Evidence Based Medicines”, addressed the candidates during Inauguration, 21 February 2022. 
  49. J. Charles Davis, “Inaugural speech for MBBS 2021 Batch” St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 18 February 2022. 
  50. J. Charles Davis, Keynote Address “Post-Graduation Ethics Sensitization workshop, 2019 Batch” St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 9 March 2022. 
  51. J. Charles Davis, Inaugural address “Certificate course on Material Management in Hospitals” Christian Medical Association of India and Department of Hospital Administration, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 20 March 2022.  
  52. J. Charles Davis, “Farewell speech to Allied Health Science students”, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 17 March 2022. 
  53. J. Charles Davis, “Orientation Address the Post Graduate students 2021 Batch’ St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 1 April 2022. 
  54. J. Charles Davis, “Inaugural address on Medical conference Innervate”, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 7 April 2022. 
  55. J. Charles Davis, inaugural speech on “Recent Trends in Digital Transformation of Hospitals,” One day National Conference, Department of Hospital Administration, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 11 April 2022. 
  56. J. Charles Davis, “Campus Discipline for MBBS Interns students 2017 Batch”, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 20 April 2022. 
  57. J. Charles Davis, “Respect for life - The beginning of life” session for MBBS students, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 26 April 2022. 
  58. J. Charles Davis, closing ceremony address on “Certificate Course on Material Management in Hospitals” Christian Medical Association of India and Department of Hospital Administration, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 30 April 2022.  
  59.  J. Charles Davis, inaugural address “Patient Care, Medical Education and Research: A Continuum – Research and Innovation in Healthcare” 4th Annual Research Day, St. John’s Research Institute, Bangalore, 13 May 2022. 
  60. J. Charles Davis, inaugural speech “Community Health Changemakers Confluence” Community Health Learning Programme by Society for Community Health Awareness Research and Action (SOCHARA) – School of Public Health, Equity and Action (SOPHEA), St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 25 May 2022. 
  61. J. Charles Davis, Inaugural Message during the Workshop on “Approach towards laboratory accreditation: An insight into ISO 15189: 2012 & NABL 112,” organized by the Department of Biochemistry, St. John’s Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore, 31 May 2022-3 June 2022. 
  62. J. Charles Davis, Plenary Talk on: “Religions and LGBTQ Community: Intra-Interreligious Dialogues” in the International Conference organized by Center for Study of Religions and Center for Solidarity of Dharmaram Vidyakshetram in collaboration with Christ University, Bangalore, 24-27 November 2022. 



  1. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference on Science, Religion and Technology” organized by Association of Science, Society and Religion (ASSR), 30 December 2001- 2 January 2002, Pune. 
  2. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Bioethics Conference on Beyond the Sound Bites” organized by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics (KIE), Georgetown University, Washington DC, 31 May to 6 June 2009, Washington DC. 
  3. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference on Die Bedeutung der Philosophie für die Theologische Ethik (The Meaning of Philosophy for the Theological Ethics)” by the Internationale Vereinigung für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik (International Union for Moral Theology and Social Ethics) 7-9th September 2009 at Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt. 
  4. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “World Conference on Moral Theology” at Trento, Italy from 24 to 28 July 2010. 
  5. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference of the European Society for Catholic Theology” at the University of Wien, from 24th to 28th August 2011. 
  6. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “The Capuchin Bishops Conference” at San Giovanni Rotondo,12-15 September 2011. 
  7. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Seminar zum BMZ-Titel 687-76: Für die Förderung entwicklungswichtiger Vorhaben privater deutscher Träger in Entwicklungsländern: Richtlinien, Antragstellung und Projektabwicklung.” Organized by bengo Engagement Global gGmbh, in Erbacher Hof Mainz, from 17-19. January 2013. 
  8. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference on Faith and Human Life” organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican City, Rome, from 21-23 February 2013. 
  9. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Training Workshop on Practical Guidance for German BMZ-Project Proposals” at Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education, Coimbatore, 31 August to 02 September 2014. 
  10. J. Charles Davis: Participated and Chaired a session in the “Science-Religion Seminar on Living in a Technological Age” at Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune on September 26, 2014. 
  11. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Workshop on Assisting the Elderly and Palliative Care” organized by Pontificia Academia Pro Vita, Vatican City, March 5-6, 2015. 
  12. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “17th Bishops-Theologians Colloquium on Announcing the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church: In the Indian Pluralistic Context” organized by the Commission for Doctrine of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India at NBCLC Bangalore, 9-10 July 2015. 
  13. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “27th Conference of Association of Moral Theologians of India on The Challenge of Peace and Harmony” at JDV Pune from 23-25 October 2015. 
  14. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “European Union Parliament Discussion on Human Rights” at European Union (EU) Parliament Strasbourg during a Study Excursion with the Research Students of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg on 12.04.2016. 
  15. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference on Theologie der Caritas: Grundlagen und Perspektiven für eine Theologie, die dem Menschen dient” on 24-25 November 2016 at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. 
  16. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Seminar on Flucht, Trauma und Traumabewältigung,” on 3 December 2016, organized by RAPRED-Girubuntu e. V., Abteilung Caritas Wissenschaft und Christliche Sozialarbeit Universität Freiburg and Baden-Württemberg Staatsministerium at Collegium Borromaeum, Freiburg, Germany. 
  17. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Annual Gathering of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation” from 28-30 June 2017 in Berlin with the meeting with Federal President of Germany Mr. Franz-Walter Steinmeier at Schloss Bellevue on 29 June 2017. Presented my book on ethics of human embryonic stem cell research and met the First Lady Judge Elke Büdenbender. 
  18. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Study Tour to the Cultural Centres and Research Institutes of Universities through Germany” from 13-27 August 2017. 
  19. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “International Conference on Global Ethics” organized by Pontificia Academia Pro Vita, Vatican City, June 25-28, 2018. 
  20. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the “Anneliese Meier Research Award 2018: Awards Ceremony and Colloquium,” Organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and supported by Federal Ministry for Education and Research of Germany, 11-13 September 2018, Berlin.  
  21. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the General Assembly 2020 and International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare, “The Rome Call for AI Ethics” by the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita, Vatican City, Feb 25-29, 2020. 
  22. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the International Webinar of Acton University Online 2020 on “Intellectual Foundations of a Free Society,” 17-18 June 2020. 
  23. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the International Webinar on “Addressing Anti-Semitism” (Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19: Addressing Racism, Discrimination and Exclusion) by UNESCO: International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR, 23 June 2020. 
  24. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the International Webinar on “Reaching the Most Marginalized” (UNESCO-UNICEF-WORLD BANK Series), UNESCO, 24 June 2020. 
  25. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Jesuit Webinar Series 5 on “Life Voyage: Doing vs Being: Time Management vs Energy Management” by Rev. Dr. Francis P. Xavier SJ, Loyola College, Chennai, 25 June 2020. 
  26. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Podium Discussion on “Drehscheibe NRW. Das Transitland im Zentrum der Weltpolitik,” Organized by Political Building Section of Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung, Bonn, 06 July 2020. 
  27. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Webinar on “Catholic Peace Building in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)” by Depart of International Studies of Boston College, 08 July 2020. 
  28. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Webinar on “Smart and inclusive cities,” Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19: Addressing Racism, Discrimination and Exclusion) by UNESCO: International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR, 21 July 2020. 
  29. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence: Food for All. Dialogue and Experience,” by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican City, in collaboration with the WHO, Microsoft and IBM, 29 September 2020. 
  30. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Webinar on: “Religiöse Wählergruppen im US-Wahlkampf mit Deidre Berger & Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson, moderiert von Arnd Henze,“ by Amerika Haus e.V. NRW and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 30 September 2020. 
  31. J. Charles Davis: Participated in the Webinar: “Great Again: Die USA vor der Präsidentschaftswahl,” by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 07 October 2020. 
  32. J. Charles Davis: Participated in “[The 10th WHRCF] UNESCO ICCAR Global Steering Committee,” by World Human Rights Cities Forum 2020, Seoul, 09 October 2020. 
  33. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on: “Pandemics, Vaccines, Age, and Global Justice,” by Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington DC, 10 October 2020. 
  34. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on: “Systems of Education around the Globe: A Critical Appraisal,” organized by St. Xavier’s College of Education, JCERT, FPER-TN and Puducherry, St. Ignatius College of Education and St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, 19-22 October 2020. 
  35. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on “Covid19: Ethical Challenges,” 30th Annual Conference of the Association of the Moral Theologians of India (AMTI Online), 15, 22, 29 October 2020. 
  36. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on “Fratelli Tutti: Encyclical of Pope Francis,” Organized by the Focolare India, 21 November 2020. 
  37. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on “Addressing Anti-Semitism in Schools: Training Curricula” – Publication Launch and Discussion,” organized by ODIHR and UNESCO, 24 November 2020. 
  38. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on “UNESCO’s Master Class against Racism and Discrimination: Philosophical Perspectives on the occasion of World Philosophy Day,” organized by Inclusion and Rights Section Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO, 19 November 2020. 
  39. J. Charles Davis: Participated in Webinar on “Transforming mentalities: Engaging men and boys to address the root causes of violence against women” High-level Roundtable,” organized by UNESCO, 25 November 2020. 
  40. J. Charles Davis: Member of the Rapporteurs Committee of the Conference Committees of the 8th National Bioethics Conference, Theme: Crisis within a crisis: Scientific, ethical & humanitarian challenges of COVID-19, organized by Forum for Medical Ethics Society and Indian Journal of Medical Ethics with Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) Mangalore India, Saturdays: November 28, 2020; December 5, 12 and 19, 2020. 


6. Forthcoming Publications: 

  1. Charles Davis, “Principles of Christian Life,” Chapter XX. (ed.) in: The Christian Faith: In the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church, (first editors: Josef Neuner SJ and Jacques Dupuis SJ), eds. Leonard Fernando SJ and John Romus, Bangalore.
  2. J. Charles Davis, “Religions and LGBTQ Community: Intra-Interreligious Dialogues” Paper Presented in the International Conference organized by Center for Study of Religions and Center for Solidarity of Dharmaram Vidyakshetram in collaboration with Christ University, Bangalore, 24-27 November 2022.


Publications and Academic Activities:

Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Online Books with peer review process:

Indian Liberation Theology: A Critique


An Ethical Debate on Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Human Dignity or Research Freedom?


Neues genetisches Design: Therapie oder Enhancement?


Articles in Journals and Books with review process

Healing Ministry and Palliative Care in Christianity


The Sickening Pedophilia and the Catholic Teaching on Child Protection


Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research


Responsible Care of the Terminally Sick and the Dying. From Partial Curative Care to Holistic Palliative Care


Misericordiae vultus: The Face of Mercy


Civilization under Fire: Burning Issues of Kashmir


Rayan´s Vision of a New Society


Human beings have precedence over Sabbath


The Power and Problem of Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine


The Moral Value of the Preborn in Classical Hinduism


The Moral Status of the Unborn


Physiological and other Issues for Women´s and Child´s Health


Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research


Embryos: Humans or Biomaterials?


The Openness of Married Couple to Life: Modern Medical and Technological Possibilities and Challenges – Theological Response


Exploring the Boundaries of Bodiliness: A Theological Challenge to Transhuman Advances


The Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Proposals for a Legal Framework for India


Das eigentliche Übel ist der Fundamentalismus: Zur Situation der Christen in Indien


New Genes, New Humans: Making people better or Making better people


Exploring the Boundaries of Bodiliness – A theological challenge to transhuman advances


Word of God and Priesthood – A Study on Heb 5: 1 – 10


An Ethical Debate on the Experiment on the Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Human Dignity or Research Freedom?


What does mean to be a priest today?


Scientific Progression and Spiritual Values for a Better Society



Medical Ethics in India

Moral Theology for Pastors Today

Befriending the Preborn: Technological Challenges and Philosophical Responses

Paper Presentations in Seminars and Conferences

The Image of the Human in the World Religions

J. Charles Davis


Human Dignity in World Religions

J. Charles Davis


End of Life and Palliative Care: Christian and Bioethics Perspectives

J. Charles Davis


Commitment to Celibacy

J. Charles Davis


Indien – Das Land der Gegensätze: Gesellschaft und Religionen.

J. Charles Davis


Menschenwürde in den Weltreligionen: Auf der Suche nach einem allgemeinen Minimalprinzip für Bioethik, Biorecht und Biopolitik

J. Charles Davis


Human Dignity in World Religions: A Quest for a Common Minimum Principle for Bioethics, Biolaw and Biopolitics

J. Charles Davis


Befriending the Preborn

J. Charles Davis


Secularism, Civil Law and Morality: Doing Bioethics in a Multi-religious India

J. Charles Davis


Civilization under Fire: Burning Issues of Kashmir

J. Charles Davis


The Value of the Unborn versus the Evil of Abortion in Classical Hindu Ethics

J. Charles Davis


The Indian Theologian Samuel Rayan´s Vision of a New Society.

J. Charles Davis


Embryos: Humans or Biomaterials? Ethics in Stem Cell Research.

J. Charles Davis


Openness of Married Couple to Life: Possibilities, Challenges and Responses.

J. Charles Davis


Physiological and Other Issues for Women´s and Child´s Health.

J. Charles Davis


Ethics in Stem Cell Research,” “Openness of Married Couple to Life: The Inseparability of Unitive and Procreative Act in Marriage.”

J. Charles Davis


“Embryos and Ethics,” “When does human life begin?” “Stem Cells: Promises and Problems.”

J. Charles Davis


Gender Matters in Stem Cell Research

J. Charles Davis


The Ethics of Using Embryos in Research

J. Charles Davis


The Ethics of Stem Cell Research.

J. Charles Davis


The Openness of Married Couple to Life: Modern Medical and Technological Possibilities and Challenges – Theological Response.

J. Charles Davis


Religious Response to the Stem Cell Debate.

J. Charles Davis


The Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

J. Charles Davis


Moral Status of Human Embryos.

J. Charles Davis


Indien: Gesellschaft – Religionen – Christentum?

J. Charles Davis


Die Ethik der menschlichen embryonalen Stammzellforschung: Grundsätze für eine indische Gesetzgebung.

J. Charles Davis


Die Organspende des Lebenden als supererogatorische Handlung

J. Charles Davis


Werte und Würde.

J. Charles Davis


Eine kritische Darstellung des Buches von David Bosch: Transforming Mission – Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission.

J. Charles Davis


Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World.

J. Charles Davis


Indian Liberation Theology – A Critique.

J. Charles Davis


Neues genetisches Design: Therapie oder Enhancement?

J. Charles Davis


Experiment on Human Embryonic Stem Cells Disfigures Human Dignity

J. Charles Davis


Theology of Peace in the Context of Violence in Kashmir: An Interreligious Perspective.

J. Charles Davis


The Challenges to Living a Christian Life in India: A Contextual Study on Christian Life and Praxis in Challenging Situation of India.

J. Charles Davis


An Encounter with the Self-Emptying High Priest Jesus Christ

J. Charles Davis


Mission in the Context of Violence Today: From a Cultural of Violence to a Culture of Peace.

J. Charles Davis


Mission as Liberation: A Cry of Dalits for Freedom

J. Charles Davis


Mission in the State of Jammu and Kashmir: Past, Present and Future.

J. Charles Davis


On the Way of the Way for the Way: A Reflection on Mark Chapters 14-16.

J. Charles Davis


Mysteries and Meanings: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Reality

J. Charles Davis


Participation in Conferences

Participated in the International Seminar on Flucht, Trauma und Traumabewältigung

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the International Conference on “Theologie der Caritas: Grundlagen und Perspektiven für eine Theologie, die dem Menschen dient”

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the EU Parliament Discussion on Human Rights

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the 27th Conference of Association of Moral Theologians of India

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the 17th Bishops-Theologians Colloquium

J. Charles Davis


Participated and chaired a session in the Science-Religion Seminar on Living in a Technological Age

J. Charles Davis


Participated in Training Workshop on “Practical Guidance for German BMZ-Project Proposals

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the International Conference on “Faith and Human Life”

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the Seminar zum BMZ-Titel 687-76

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the Capuchin Bishops Conference

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the International Conference of the European Society for Catholic Theology

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the World Conference on Moral Theology

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the International Conference on „Die Bedeutung der Philosophie für die Theologische Ethik (The Meaning of Philosophy for the Theological Ethics)

J. Charles Davis


Participated in the Bioethics Conference on “Beyond the Sound Bites

J. Charles Davis


Courses Taught

Stem Cells and Ethics

J. Charles Davis


Human Dignity and Bioethics.

J. Charles Davis

Advanced Issues in Bioethics

J. Charles Davis

Human Dignity and Bioethics

J. Charles Davis

Contextual Theology Programme on Servant Leadership

J. Charles Davis


J. Charles Davis


The Moral Status of the Unborn

J. Charles Davis

Preparation and Examination for ad audiendas confessions

J. Charles Davis

Ethics in Genetic Engineering

J. Charles Davis


Social Teachings of the Church

J. Charles Davis

Bio-Medical Ethics

J. Charles Davis