This article is an appeal to religious and socio-political communities to promote mutual recognition of human dignity in order to protect human life at all stages. Many complex situations in the wake of modern medical science and technological advancements call us forth to reflect on the foundation that demands protection, preservation and promotion of human life against discrimination, violence and destruction of human life. There are bioethical issues from the womb to the tomb: abortion, human embryonic stem cell research, gender selection, female foeticide, infanticide, in vitro fertilization, cloning, human experimentation, preimplantation and prenatal diagnoses, genetic engineering and genetic design of babies, gene therapy and enhancement, gene alteration and insertion of artificial chips in the brain for intelligence, research freedom and human nature, organ transplantation and prolongation of human life, suicide, euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, health and illness, and palliative care and death. In this article, the author discusses the principle of inviolable human dignity and the need for its recognition in order to protect human life at all stages and oppose medical technologies which destroy human life.

The Journey
Fr. Charles Davis belongs to the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar: He left the government job and joined the diocese of Jammu Kashmir. The experience of Charles