It is my joy to write this article for the Festschrift in honor of my doctoral guide Professor Dr. Josef Schuster SJ on his 70th birthday. I chose the topic of the responsible care of the suffering, the sick and the dying primarily because Prof Schuster is a kind and virtuous person who has special care for the vulnerable, the suffering and the sick. He is academically rich and resourceful with clarity of thought to discern and decide what is right and what is not. Blended with care and compassion, he always holds that the human being has precedence over norms. It would be appropriate at this juncture to discuss on celebration of life and unconditional care for the vulnerable humans. Secondly, I desire to share my experience as Krankenhausseelsorger at the Uniklinikum Frankfurt, which gave me an opportunity to understand, listen and be with the suffering, the sick and the dying. I listened to their confessions, anointed many with the sacramental oil of the sick and accompanied many patients, and their family members, at the stations of oncology, cardiology, neurology, ICUs and a few patients in the palliative station till their last breath. I witnessed their smiling faces on those last days and departing the world joyfully.

The Journey
Fr. Charles Davis belongs to the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar: He left the government job and joined the diocese of Jammu Kashmir. The experience of Charles