The Era of Pope Francis: Break or Beginning?

Pope Francis speaks a clear language understandable to everyone even outside the Church. His Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia is an invitation to renewed pastoral care of marriage and the family with an open ear and a generous heart. Amoris laetitia speaks positively on love, marriage, partnership, sexuality, parenthood and family. It is an inspiring source for a life in marriage and in the family. His message of mercy with openness to the voices of local Churches, faithfulness to the message of the gospel and the tradition of the Church blended with his own pastoral experience shows the Church in a light of a welcoming spirit. He brings necessary attitudinal changes in teaching of Church´s doctrines towards marriage and families. He breaks no norms. He alters no theology. Yet he seems to be a trendsetter and brings changes in everything. This article discusses the pastoral moral issues particularly regarding communion to the divorced and remarried in the light of amoris laetitia.


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