New human beings must come into existence through procreation if the human species is to continue. Procreation is cooperation in God´s creation. The normal way of procreation occurs when a man and a woman engage themselves in sexual act within marriage or outside of marriage through acts of adultery and fornication. Producing and designing babies is also possible today with the advancement of modern science in reproductive technologies. No matter how a new human being comes into existence — through marital act or acts of adultery and fornication or reproductive technologies — the new being is a person of inviolable right.
Marriage has been the cornerstone and ideal form of human society. The very definition of marriage is coupled with two ends of marriage, which are unitive, that is, bonding and procreative, that is, openness to life. These ends find the right and natural fulfilment only when a man and woman join together in marriage. Same sex unions and extra-marital acts cannot fulfil the ends of marriage rightfully. James Healy rightly says, “…that sexual intimacy finds its true home in marriage [between a man and a woman]: a public, faithful, exclusive commitment to each other, and an equally important lifetime commitment to the children who may be created from this marriage.”1 Procreation is thus a part and parcel of a marriage where the rightful expression of intimate love can take place. This has been well expressed in Donum vitae:
The human person must be accepted in his parents’ act of union and love; the generation of a child must therefore be the fruit of that mutual giving which is realized in the conjugal act wherein the spouses cooperate as servants and not as masters in the work of the Creator who is love.