The Journey

Fr. Charles Davis belongs to the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar: He left the government job and joined the diocese of Jammu Kashmir. The experience of Charles in academics and administration is commendable. He is a natural leader and has been repeatedly elected to be class leader, school leader and president of students’ councils. He has been […]

Embryos: Humans or Biomaterials?

A human organism begins with fertilization. From the moment of fertilization onwards, human embryo has the ontological status of a human individual and thus also the moral status, i.e. the inviolable human dignity. Therefore, we should never destroy human embryos as a mere means to any end how noble it might be. Defending inviolability and […]

Healing Ministry and Palliative Care

Death is inevitable, but that does not mean it can be planned or imposed. It is an ethical imperative that we attend to the unbearable pain and suffering of patients with incurable and terminal illnesses. This is where palliative care plays a vital role. Palliative care has been growing faster in the world of medicine […]

The History of Catholic Church´s Position on Abortion

The Catholic Church considered abortion as a grave sin and condemned it right from the beginning. The Teaching of the Apostles (94 AD) condemned abortion: “…thou shalt not use magic: thou shalt not use drugs; thou shalt not procure abortion, nor commit infanticide” (Didache II, 2).One of the earliest Fathers of the Church Tertullian (c.160 […]

The Sickening Pedophilia & The Catholic Teachings on Child Protection

Sexual abuse is a human problem everywhere in the world today and pedophilia is the worst of all. Pedophilia is an abuse of power over a weaker individual, a child, triggered by a sexual life disorder. Pedophilia is terribly sickening. Pedophilia indicates a deterioration of moral values in families and societies. The sexual abuse of […]

An Ethical Debate on Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Human Dignity or Research Freedom?

The discovery, isolation, and culturing of human embryonic stem cells has been described as one of the most significant breakthroughs in biomedicine of the century.1 This promising area of science has led scientists to investigate the possibility of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine . Stem cells give rise […]

The Impending Problems of the Sex Ratio Imbalance

The sex ratio in China and India is very tilted that millions of men will not get a wife in their lives. What are the repercussions that the society will have to face, it is eugenic issue that is affecting the world at large how should the world cope with it? Out of China’s population […]

Migrants and Refugees from a Biblical and Ecclesial Point of View

The Hebrew word ger (plural gerim) usually translated as sojourner or immigrant refers to aliens who settled in the land of Israel. Gerim enjoyed a very special status with profound respect and hospitality. They were under the constant protection of Yahweh (Deut. 10:18) and were often associated with the poor in Israel, the orphan and […]

The Era of Pope Francis: Break or Beginning?

Pope Francis speaks a clear language understandable to everyone even outside the Church. His Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia is an invitation to renewed pastoral care of marriage and the family with an open ear and a generous heart. Amoris laetitia speaks positively on love, marriage, partnership, sexuality, parenthood and family. It is an […]