Human Dignity and Mutual Recognition: A Norm and A Plea for Protection of Human Life

This article is an appeal to religious and socio-political communities to promote mutual recognition of human dignity in order to protect human life at all stages. Many complex situations in the wake of modern medical science and technological advancements call us forth to reflect on the foundation that demands protection, preservation and promotion of human […]

Moral Theology for Pastors Today

The primary concern of theologians and pastors must be always pastoral. Good theologians would not stop with abstract reflections but involve themselves in the lives of the faithful. In fact, every branch of theology, including the canon law, has a single pastoral concern, namely, the salvation of human beings. Good pastors would not condemn people, […]

The Moral Status of The Unborn and Its Challenges in The Indian Context

The term unborn here refers to every human being from the moment of fertilization to the birth. I prefer to use the term unborn, for it explicitly includes all unborn humans at all prenatal stages in comparison to the born humans. It speaks of commonality of humans and explains the difference only in the status […]

Responsible Care of the Terminally Sick and the Dying

It is my joy to write this article for the Festschrift in honor of my doctoral guide Professor Dr. Josef Schuster SJ on his 70th birthday. I chose the topic of the responsible care of the suffering, the sick and the dying primarily because Prof Schuster is a kind and virtuous person who has special […]

Medical Ethics In IndIa

Medicine has the prime aim of preserving and restoring physical health. Health actually is a state of well-being as Daniel Callahan defnes. It refers to a state of “adequate” physical, mental, spiritual and psycho-social well-being and not merely absence of disease. Christian response to sickness is not merely curing the disease but healing the person. […]

Das eigentliche Übel ist der Fundamentalismus Zur Situation der Christen in Indien

1976 wurde ich in einem Dort namens Perur am genüber den örtlichen Hindus in Goa ein dunkles Ka Rande des Bezirks Tiruchirappalli im Bundesstaat pitel gewesen. Die portugiesischen Missionare haben ‘Tamilnadu geboren. Die religiöse Geschichte unse- die Hindus systematisch unterdrückt, ihre Tempel rer Familie hat im 16. Jahrhundert während des Be- zerstört, ihren eigenen Glauben […]

Neues genetisches Design: Therapie oder Enhancement?

1. Einleitung: Die Fragestellung Die Menschheit hat die Macht, die natürlichen Anlagen der Menschen umzugestalten und die menschliche Natur umzuformen durch eine geplante Veränderung des biologischen Charakters der Menschen.1 Wie Ludwig Siep sagt: „Die Menschen wollten den Göttern gleich werden, sich von ihrem Körper trennen oder sich auf der Stufenleiter der niederen und höheren Wesen dem […]