A human organism begins with fertilization. From the moment of fertilization onwards, human embryo has the ontological status of a human individual and thus also the moral status, i.e. the inviolable human dignity. Therefore, we should never destroy human embryos as a mere means to any end how noble it might be. Defending inviolability and protection-worthiness of human embryos from the moment of fertilization/conception, this article speaks against the embryo-destructive human embryonic stem cell(hESC) research.
1. Introduction
The new term pre-embryo’ sprang up in the mid-eighties of the 20th century. Literally it indicates that “a creature that precedes the embryo itself is not an embryo.” Many argued that pre-embryos are not individuals until are implanted into the uterus or until the primitive streak takes place and thus it would be ethically permissible to use the IVF* surplus embryos up to this stage for research purposes in order to produce stem cells.

The Journey
Fr. Charles Davis belongs to the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar: He left the government job and joined the diocese of Jammu Kashmir. The experience of Charles